Monday, January 19, 2009

Clearing Out My Daughters Phlegm


By Karen Bustamante

2008 is almost over and the Mexican government still does not win the battle against poverty, unemployment and economic crisis.

pirinola Another year is almost over and all the promises and goals that had the Mexican government in 2008, as usual, were not complied with & # 233; success.

The issue of poverty remains unresolved. Kliksberg, (advisor of many governments and international agencies including: UN, IDB, UNESCO, UNICEF, PAHO, OAS, and others) in a lecture he gave on " Poverty in Latin America "at the end of last year, says that Mexico has a strong economy, however, 40% to 60% of ma , s 100 million inhabitants are below the poverty line. Worse, this year instead of reducing poverty has been increasing by the crisis that is beginning to witness the Mexican society. Now, because of the critical situation facing the U.S. is in economic terms, the companies that reside in our country are being forced to make staff cuts resulting in high unemployment.

According to a press release issued by Notimex, the 1st of December the company Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (the major chicken products in the U.S. and the second Mexico's largest) was declared bankrupt in Pittsburg, Texas. In this regard, the Secretary of Agricultural Development in Queretaro, Gilberto Ortega Mejia, said the subsidiary of that company in the state employs one out of every 3 agricultural workers, so that it Alarmingly, that is in bankruptcy. Although the "Pilgrim" s Pride said that excluded from its bankruptcy operations in Mexico "if the company goes out of leave ; aa queretanos thousands of unemployed and thousands of homeless families.

This, coupled with the lack of opportunities, poverty which millions of Mexicans and the existence of high tycoons who control most of the Mexican capital social causes resentment leading some groups to act violently or illegal cause there is more insecurity and crime in our country.

puerquito While it is true that the Mexican government took on the task of curbing the insecurity prevailing in all states of Mexico to sign the National Agreement for Security, Justice and legality is also true that more than one hundred days of having created the National Security Pact in Mexico, only 7% of the 74 targets set initially fully met. This was announced by a representative of the organization Mexico United Against Crime. "

is unfortunate that Mexico, a country rich in natural resources, present major economic problems. Sadder still to be their own people the greatest obstacle to addressing these issues. And I think this is largely due to two important aspects: First, conformity by some Mexicans who still possess an ideology based on the premise that "this is the life that touched me "and not try to do something about it to change their situation. Second, the lack of attitude of civility, they have some other Mexicans, to be protagonists and begin to create change in the country on their own, without waiting for the government is in charge of solving all the problems that happen.

Indeed, Mexico is faced with the need for a company with a new culture and vision on issues that are experienced daily, since it is a key tool to build the foundations and together they slowly rebuild our nation.


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