Santander Bank finances or has financed the arms sector. Delàs Center for Justice and Peace was present at the last meeting of shareholders of this powerful financial institution. To Emilio Botin and the rest of the Board of Directors, among which the presence of his vice-president, Matias Rodriguez Inciarte, one of the two English that has a fixed seat on the Bilderberg Club, next to the Reina Sofia, was reported explicitly states that Banco Santander has shareholdings in companies that manufacture weapons, has granted loans to companies producing weapons and has financed the export of weapons. Specifically, the Banco Santander currently participates with 22.6% in the gun company MaxamCorp Holding, through its venture capital Vista Development. This holding companies among its Alaveses Explosives (EXPAL), a company that is devoted entirely to the production of bombs and explosives, and that until it was banned by law, manufactured antipersonnel mines and cluster munitions.
Banco Santander owns or manages shares in the company of Textron American arms worth $ 510,000, a company that sells missiles with cluster munitions. Cluster bombs have recently been banned in the English state, under the International Treaty is signed. Still, the United States, where is the Textron company, has not signed this treaty, which continues to produce cluster bombs. Banco Santander also mantien trade and owns shares in EADS-CASA with a value of $ 2,540,000. This company manufactures missiles carrying nuclear warheads, if unfortunately come to be used, not distinguish between combatants and civilians, as is the case of cluster bombs.
Ultimately, the Banco Santander contributes directly and indirectly to the production of nuclear weapons and cluster bombs. The Chairman Botin not spend too much time to respond and deny, without too many arguments, these accusations. But what is certain is that the campaign Banco Santander without arms and the appearance of your website (www.bancosantandersinarmas.org) similar to that of BBVA without arms, has hurt, because no accident shortly be posted on the network came under heavy attack. Now I am back on the network, the web is available, as well as intervention in the shareholders' meeting so that everyone knows that Santander brings business benefits of guns. It is recalled that the arms industry could not function without the support of financial institutions and, thus, are part of the dreaded military-industrial complex.
Source: Jordi Calvo Rufanges / Public.
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