It's time. Do not we have time.
Well, here we go. I think we already have many very good data and analysis about the General Strike of September 29, well written and accurate. Now is the time for action, to apply thought. Emir Sader said in his latest book "New Mole" published by El Viejo Topo, that social changes in the Latin American republics that have experienced processes of popular and national affirmation and walking to the post neo- have been first a process of rejection of neoliberalism, despite the redundancy, the result of both the popular and negative smear their consequences and the governments refusal to grant their recipes, for the emergence of social movements to face them, although such statements I can say not only has written E. Sader, it is certain that he has discussed in great detail.
In the Kingdom of Spain
But see the situation of the Kingdom of Spain. It is implementing a plan of setting hard type IMF, led by the agency and the European Union, which also applies in other European states, but more so in Greece Portugal, Latvia and Spain itself.
This plan is impoverished, because the working population and increasing unemployment and wage earners employed both as autonomous and independent. In addition, the youth unemployment figures are staggering and only mitigated by the protective cushion Mediterranean family, but of course, many of these households also live today subsidies. Then, watch out the fragility of the mattress of moms and dads.
grades are equally terrifying insecurity and rising. In many homes the English State, the only fixed income are talking about pensions grandparents, most of which are intended to support children and grandchildren.
The discrediting of the now openly called political class, which is nothing but a political oligarchy, amounts to be taken as a national problem by the public, according to INE own surveys, the official opinion poll.
The PSOE has lost the trust of its voters from the left, but also the battle of ideas and principles, as well as potential successors to the group PRISA Zapatero and blatantly deck are even more conservative and right that the current president . The PP, the electorate remains strong, but not growing.
The PP holds the unwavering support of numerous sociological Franco. The fear of a portion of the Catholic middle classes, and a new right-wing populist message being taken in a rush to win votes among the working class and poor areas lacking social ideology.
IU, grows with a paltry 6 or 7% makes no real alternative, and that will not be happy, but do reflect a lot more, because despite its support for the general strike does not grow excessively.
is therefore time to start the resistance and complaints against the neoliberal model imposed adjustment and with all its consequences, and the counter was not working but the first salvo. From ATTAC Spain, have long been warning that now come for pensions and the political power of the bank is now the only power that really exists today in the Kingdom of Spain.
unions and the majority class in particular, despite previous doubts and hesitations assignments and have amply demonstrated its implementation and mobilization capacity, higher in the spectrum from left to any other political or social although they have needed the prestige and reputation of CSOs and NGOs have called the general strike and have supported, that have been clearly only processing, critical citizenship and solidarity, not far from all.
as CCOO and UGT have the obligation not to fail us. No assignment. I humbly invite you to stand up for now the Toledo Pact, thus legitimizing his presence there that is being planned attack against the public pensions system. The robbery is being prepared against the case of public pensions, suggest a reaction as fast as forceful.
possible alternatives. sow hope
We therefore face two clear facts, the coup of financial powers and the subsequent dictatorship of the market, with an appearance of formal representative democracy. That is, the citizen power has been displaced by the financial power of banks and the elite families that control us since the time of Franco. Professional politicians recognize him constantly, and they always refer to themselves "markets" and their intentions, merely a lot "when they react well."
Given this is the time of social movement, social movement say, without referring to the OSC, I mean what it means, civic mobilization of the working classes and women face this aggression.
We therefore agree as many men and women in the socio-political time. CCOO, UGT and so the inter-union. but ATTAC and other CSOs very sharp, we must be doing sociopolitical well together. We recognize those who have more capacity to mobilize, but these days everyone and all are essential. Also, of course, parties and political groupings alternatives to neoliberalism, can and should play an important role. We can go
therefore in the process of rejection of neoliberalism. In shaping the political alternative. Because each and everyone is entitled to do politics in the noblest and highest sense of the term.
The demonstrations should continue as in France. The next meeting of the G20 in early November can be a great opportunity to get back out on the streets. We can not lose the drive of the 29S and something must be done, but already a member. The null Government's response and the conservative forces whatever their initials, which have made pineapple "markets" and implement their program and they deserve it.
The left must regroup on democratic and anti-neoliberal, but in a participatory and pluralistic. As rightly point Armando Fernández and Manuel Monereo Steinke, the left lives in times of emergency. We are not handing influences and positions, no. Fewer still debate who is the vanguard. We are playing with the future of people with the right to hot meals three times a day and live with dignity, to work or at least enjoy a peaceful old age, see the future with hope, and to aspire to be happy and loving.
do not know who has the spring. I do not know where the button is pressed, but this article seeks to humbly be part of the drive to give to the button.
Governments have a right to commit suicide, the social liberal social democracy has buried officer. But the rest and we can not leave other people, citizens in the hands of the right and the extreme right. In the hands even more than they are, markets, namely capital and its power structures and cultural alienation. We
and we can not give less commit suicide. Us and we must press the start button, that puts us up. I know the answer is up to each and all, but I also know that some and some have more responsibility.
concrete proposals
therefore propose:
- a broad social alliance, which is ACTIVE AGAINST CRISIS model, but also platforms to support the general strike against the crisis and for social rights that have worked and work in cities such as Murcia and Granada, with the presence of all, including CCOO and UGT, in addition to Social Forums, etc.
- I think a left-wing political alternative, it is very desirable, and to incorporate the classic social democratic traditions, libertarian communist and social control and convergence, profoundly democratic and fundamentally neoliberal, that promotes environmental justice and climate justice redistributive taxation and budgets. To oppose privatization and implement public banks. Non-dogmatic, modern and friendly in the plural, personal and ideological. Here too CCOO and UGT have a lot to say and contribute.
-An active, flexible and continuous social movement of citizens mobilized to force the government to pursue policies in favor of male and female citizens, not markets. Must be flexible, because we have to take into account stops and standing, autonomous and independent, but also to and precarious, temporary, and the legion of endangered and threatened by the picketing employer, the one who fired a low not respect the democratic rights of workers and employees.
- A continuous and effective work for greater coordination of demonstrations across Europe and European General Strike.
A changing world, increases our chances. What works in our favor? Well, first we have already, and we've shown we can. The 29-S recovered dignity.
Secondly, the world has changed much, and we are selling expired goods, then the Central Powers and not so, are only a shadow of what they were, and peripherals that are emerging are in many cases only geographical location, and of course, depending how you look, because the world is round.
spending only the difference in military technology, but at times and even that, unfortunately. Global trade has changed, but not the neo-liberal, then that is a breeding ground for further global alliances, also in the sociopolitical and left-wing alternative.
The world has another threat result of predatory capitalism and the environment, climate, the defense of Mother Earth, being the global fight cross.
There are already successful experience in the construction of new left, they are also strongly influential. Ultimately if we are able to articulate a resistance as in France, which is proving very effective, we will have made much progress.
also start and laugh at those who think tomfoolery those poor Europeans and Anglo-Americans are still the "international community", the G20 will fail for that, because there are already many competing interests, like it or not. But that remains a dominant form of global governance that is suicidal for humanity.
All of these variables in the English State, affect us and also hurt profit. But in any case must be taken into account time to mobilize. Besides the impact plan IMF and EU in the English State, increase unemployment, decrease the economic capacity of the working class, increase the upset against the banks and the rejection of governments. At that time, or offering a new dream of justice and social change, economic democracy, or the extreme right will be there with its program of deception to go high up to the powerful and protect your way out of its crisis by rolling to the people we are for change, for another possible world.
Source: Carlos MartÃnez - President of ATTAC Spain
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