Writer Simon
can be reduced to two ideas that exist in Euskadi, though much reduced and I am speaking only of what each one wants to be Euskadi.
The idea that there is a right of self-determination and of itself be recognized.
Everyone is free to have the idea you want, everything is very nice ... no freedom of thought ... anyone put in jail for having ideas that are ... they say.
The fact is that at the end of this whole democratic free thinking should be clear that there is only one idea that can be carried out because the other is illegal, is prohibited ... does not matter any more or less than what your idea is the recognition self-determination, always get their way that your idea is non-recognition, play it safe ... with marked cards, play with the security that the ban against his idea, they can say they are more if you want to say because it is also forbidden to hold referendums to see how many of each idea.
If someone who is self-determination by the rebels against this ... those of non-self can safely say that they feel attacked in their ideas and turn over the tables reminding everyone is free to think whatever they want and to respect his thinking ... he is good because it respects the idea of Yes self-determination ... the other is wrong because they are angry with her idea of \u200b\u200bnot self-determination.
First: Do not upset the idea of \u200b\u200bself-determination but not the ban on the opposite idea.
Second fucks Nooooo! not going to respect that everyone has the idea of \u200b\u200bthe autoderminaciĆ³n Yes when you play with the security that is prohibited and you're 2 or 200 .... always carry out your idea and never the opposite. Children
miosss ... think a bit about all this before you start talking about democracy, respect for ideas, freedom ...