Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cineplex How Much Are Tickets

José Luis Burgos Letter to all those who lend their support.
Dear colleagues and friends:
There are moments in life you should take some tough decisions, perhaps controversial if you like, because I'm sure many of you share my fight but not how to carry it out. It is certainly a paradox fight your enemy weakening your own body with a hunger strike, perhaps the way forward set my nature.
was born 48 years ago in a humble family of eight children. At eighteen months of life was a victim of polio, after a viral infection that struck a much of the population of English children. That was the first suit he received as a result of the Franco dictatorship, he decided to spend all your budget on the construction of the famous Valley of the Fallen, ignoring thousands of children who were vaccinated, the more fortunate, between 4 and 5 years later than other European countries or the United States, despite the strong global campaign was launched to recommend that all governments should be vaccinating the population of helpless creatures. It was an absolute neglect of the Health Administration of the era that marked the lives of thousands of innocent children, we might call privileged because there were many who for lack of resources did not overcome the disease and lost their lives. No doubt an unprecedented infanticide in our country, because of the tyranny of a dictator and his system.
From that moment began my crisis, but also my struggle to survive. Overcome a very difficult childhood, the duality by the desire of a teenager exultant, against the physical limitations and complex. I fought to have a life similar to that of any person, having an education, a family, decent work, so my parents do not suffer any more than they should, they saw that nothing was wrong. Looking for a happiness that seemed to have found.
We believed that the final the fight was coming and we got our reward. These children grew up and became men and women had achieved a stability that approached them that happiness. Not so, life rages back with us, that was just a snack in the great feast of suffering, the highlight was to serve, but the invited guests had warned us not to do so. Today, many of us are affected by the so-called Post-Polio Syndrome.
The post-polio is a neurological condition that produces a set of symptoms such as fatigue and muscle weakness, progressive loss of function accompanied by pain, especially in muscles and joints, as well as muscular atrophy, respiratory problems, etc.
is believed that the cause lies in an excessive use of motor neurons were alive, over time, suffering a metabolic depletion, which leads to an inability to regenerate new axons to replace those that degenerate. If the polio virus killed 50% of our motor neurons, the other 50% has been doing over the years to cover a significant exertion, as far as possible these shortcomings. And you, you may wonder if something like that seems so logical reasoning for any neurologist that price, it was not known and could be prevented. The same question to me I do very often.
In my 48 years of age in full intellectual maturity, it is unfortunate to be suffering the late sequelae of poliomyelitis, as slowly and painfully we are causing an inability to carry out our work and everyday life. It is unfortunate that we do not receive adequate medical care to slow or reverse the symptoms, and enable the continuation of our productive lives. It is unfortunate that after years of effort and sacrifice, we have to live a new battle for which we are absolutely helpless and ignored by our rulers.
None of us, of those children affected, could imagine that several decades after suffering polio and fought to normalize our lives, we once again go through the torture of the second episode. What do you think the health authorities of this country? When will they react to our problems? Do not plan to do anything for us? Wait for the lapse of the time and go slowly disappearing?
But this, friends and colleagues, is just one case among thousands of injustices that are committed daily in our society. My case is neither more nor less dramatic than that of any person with or without disabilities.
have been many years of effort and professional journey self, after 17 years as a professional free had to leave my office for not being able to focus on as it should, the physical and mental deterioration that I'm completely broke through my life and my family stability. Quickly collapsed pillars that had cost me much to build. From there begins a rough road, very hard! Some of the friendships that I thought I had and both had benefited from my office I turned away and ignored me.
Forced to start a new life with more limited mobility limitations and did not have before. Coping with commitments and obligations to a plan of life that had nothing to do to today, a lack of understanding and sensitivity on the part of total economic and even social agents. But above all, a lack of political awareness and a total ignorance that make you feel, having made my bit of wealth and paid so many taxes, such as human waste that after using discarded.
I am currently affected by a new disability, as a result of severe scoliosis in the column did not have before and that has left me in a wheelchair. This new situation has resulted in a serious disability, which I have been recognized by the Health Authorities of Catalonia, granting the appropriate board for this item. After the substantial reduction of income suffered by my family finances, I was forced to make use of insurance that had contracted with the Banco de Santander, to pay off the mortgage I have with them. These degenerate miscreants, rather than pay the amount of the premium covering the insurance and I have the right to cancel my mortgage, have decided not to pay me a penny and to seize the house. The reason they argue is that my disability did not know before and if they come to know I never would have made insurance. Does anyone believe that a paralysis of both lower extremities can be hidden?
I tried before making this determination: As you can see in my blog, I a couple of months protesting at the gates of the headquarters of the "Banco de Satan" in Barcelona. It was humiliating lack of attention and scorn that suffered by those responsible for this entity in Barcelona. After those two months I decided to expand my protest to other English cities, but boasting to the good fortune that accompanies me in recent years, the third day in Zaragoza at the gates of the power of that community, I felt a sharp pain in one side and began to urinate blood abundant, which forced me to abandon my struggle and return to my home. A myriad of medical tests and analytical accompanied by a long period of rest. Rest is has been altered again by these rakes of Satan, who continue in their quest to make money at any price, even robbing the weakest.
This is the second dictatorship to which I have to confront the dictatorship of financial markets, much worse than the first one I lived. My personal struggle against totalitarian tyranny is being implemented in the world will not stop while I remain at least semi-healthy neurons. I am one of the weak in this system and as such, I believe that my place is beside the weak, helping to overcome the abuses we suffer every day and fighting as I've been doing my whole life.
I greatly appreciate the show of affection and support I'm receiving these days. I am aware that I expect a few days very difficult, extremely inhumane, but I am also aware that doing nothing will be more dead than alive, the rest of my days. My success depends less on my own feat, but the support received from all of you and the event you do in the same place of battle, each tailored to their own possibilities. We will win this battle, and by then I will not have achieved personal success, but will the success of all of us, the people committed to fight for a better world that puts human values \u200b\u200band personal selfishness system.
Sale Laon En Shin Pet Shop Of Horrors

Banks and financial institutions that caused the crisis have been out of it strengthened, not have been put into question their privilege and with far greater economic and Financial thank the governments and central banks took on the principle that were too big to fail.
With this approach have been able to justify the multimillion-dollar aid of all kinds have been placed in his hands even though this has been left without punishing irresponsible behavior, it encourages the re-make and makes great banks even larger, which will make the next crisis causing more hard and difficult to govern this.
Neither governments nor central banks and economists liberal citizenship imposed on a constant discipline in order to achieve efficiency and, say, equity (now indicate that pensions must be reformed to make our system "fairer") have not had any problems to skip those goals when we have tried to help the banks.
contrast compared to the damage they have caused the banks to thousands of people to act with stealth, with gross irresponsibility and bad faith, the authorities generally are much more alien and carefree.
To increase in any way the volume of debt which is the business that provides benefit to the banks, they have conducted in recent years a series of outrages true and well known to have been mainly most vulnerable customers, lower income and knowledge and information on banking practices. Which, unlike banks, they seem to be too poor to save.
the past two years has begun to see that tens of thousands of individuals and small and medium enterprises have been quite simply misled by the banks that they hid the fine print contracts, which concealed the risks of insurance they sold under a different name or hidden formulas and incomprehensible, in short, established under unfair conditions on loans or credits offered them as if they were a godsend.
authorities looked the other way and then let them do and now that hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes or face payment obligations that were never warned, still hiding and protecting the privileged cause of all these abuse.
organizations protect consumers estimate that about 300,000 English families have lost their homes in the last three years. And you can not argue that this is only the effect of a simple non-payment. Behind it is, as just noted, under unfair conditions, recommendations fraudulent, hidden information and appraisals of homes made by a party with an obvious lack of veracity and respect for market conditions that both banks and touting liberal silent above all this.
The number of families that they have cut the supply of basic services such as light or water is incalculable, but suffice to speak to civic organizations that deal with these problems to prove they are also tens of thousands.
is no exaggeration to say that only those affected by the bank fraud around the "swaps" apparently directed insurance to protect borrowers from rate rises may be in Spain around 100,000.
The English banking system, the higher the benefits of Europe and the running costs for customers higher, is an endless source of irregularities and injustices that can be done with the utmost treachery and impunity. It is truly incomprehensible that the political parties, trade unions and social organizations and movements in the foreground do not put all this type of conduct to prevent the illegal transfer of personal income and Banking companies they carry.
not think there's another country in the world where the people have more defenders in Spain, but despite this, neither has raised its voice in a forceful address a problem that would have required the joint action and radical because it has produced so treacherous, in broad daylight day and with dramatic consequences, I think we can say without exaggeration, for millions of people and families.
not even be trusted in Spain that do justice to its name and bring order to this, as in dozens of judgments has become clear that the attention of all banks have to many judges and magistrates not fall on deaf ears.
dominant banking practices, which have resulted in crisis and those that are still being carried out, constitute a social evil that must be eradicated. No other type of citizens be allowed to do what banks do (and with them the large utilities).
To put a stop to abuse widespread bank should strongly demand the government to take some urgent and essential: Investigate
- genuinely independent banking practices in Spain, specifying the nature and actual effects of each of them to refine the responsibilities of each entity.
- Extender that investigation to the behavior of the Bank of Spain that instead of having prevented the opacity, abuse, unconscionable clauses and deception has generally opted for silence or explicit collusion with the banks. You can not understand you have come to produce harm and deception is so widespread and so profitable for banks without the help of top banking authority.
- know exactly the people who have suffered bad banking practices and quantify the damage they have caused the banks to assume the consequences of damage.
- Review each and every one of the eviction proceedings that have occurred Foundation, with special attention to the conditions credit underwriting and appraisals.
- Promulgation of the rules and creating the necessary funds to secure the return of housing to low income people that have lost because of declining revenue and to prevent this from occurring in the future.
- act in the same direction with respect to families who lack access to basic services for non-payment as a result of unexpected income loss.
- Creating a special tribunal to prosecute abuses and promote banking in the European institutions the establishment of an ethical code of inexcusable compliance by all financial institutions.
The damage that has resulted in the English banking system in recent years and is now being translated into real drama for hundreds of thousands of families in a heavy stone for the whole economy is no small matter, even something only has to do with the elementary requirement that any person or institution that produces it must be repaid. The main issue is that the maintenance of such enormous power that has the Bank and the privileges they enjoy to earn money and how much you want are materially true and incompatible with a democratic and secure society.
TORRES JUAN LOPEZ - Scientific Council of ATTAC Spain.