Remember when you were told in school that we were all equal before the law? Remember when you said that in democracy we all have an equal voice and vote? If you remember and never asked if it was true today, you'll get a nasty surprise. And in the English State is as good as the vote of an Andalusian, that of a Madrid, or that of a Catalan. One of the bases at which to sustain a democracy for its citizens, "the election of political representatives of the same", is neither equitable nor horizontal. Let me explain.
The Organic Law on General Electortal establishing a provincial constituency organization, that is, the total of 350 seats currently in Congress will be formed according to different individual members leaving each of the provinces - including the towns of Ceuta and Melilla -. Although the allocation of seats per province is established in proportion to its inhabitants, now explain how to actually making this law is first to encourage the major parties (PSOE and PP), second to nationalists in the majority and Finally steal votes to UI and other minor parties.
First let's see how it is more expensive to get seats according to which region you belong, this list provides that "costs" (the votes) to get a congressman by province:
350-seat National Total 40,847,371
- Andalucía 109 seats 67,500 hab / esc
Almería 11 esc. 48,793 inhabitants per 536,731
esc esc
Cadiz 15. 74,432 hab / esc. 1,116,491
Córdoba 13 esc. 58,589 inhabitants per 761,657
esc esc
Granada 13. 63,204 hab / esc. 821,660
Huelva 11 esc. 42,052 hab / esc. 462,579
Jaén 12 esc. 53,652 inhabitants per 643,820
esc esc
Malaga 16. 80,438 hab / esc
Sevilla 18 esc. 95,977 hab / esc
1,727,603 - 67 seats Aragon 17,973 hab / esc 1,204,215
Huesca 18 esc. 11,472 inhabitants per 206,502
esc esc
Teruel 15. 9,057 inhabitants / esc
Zaragoza 34 esc. 25,346 hab / esc
861,855 - 45 seats Asturias 23,622 hab / esc
1,062,998 - Balearic 59 seats 14,265 hab / esc 841,669 inhabitants.
- Canary 60 seats 27,491 hab / esc.
Palmas (Las) +7 15 +8 30 esc. 29,588 hab / esc
887,676 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 15 +8 +4 +3 30 esc. 26,893 hab / esc
806,801 - Cantabria 39 seats 13,721 hab / esc
535,131 - Castilla y León 83 29 596 hab / esc.
Ávila 7 esc. 23,348 hab / esc
09 Burgos 11 esc. 31,721 inhabitants per 348,934
esc esc
Leon 14. 34,910 inhabitants per 488,751
esc esc
Palencia 7. 24,877 inhabitants per 174,143
esc esc
Salamanca 11. 31,419 inhabitants per 345,609
esc esc
Segovia 6. 24,608 inhabitants per 147,694
esc esc
Soria 5. 18,143 person / 90,717
esc esc
Valladolid 14. 34,935 inhabitants per 498,094
esc esc
Zamora 8. 24,886 hab / esc
- Castilla-La Mancha 83 seats 21,211 hab / esc
Albacete 10 esc. 36,483 hab / esc
Ciudad Real 11 esc. 43,541 inhabitants per 478,957
esc esc
Cuenca 8. 25,043 inhabitants per 200,346
esc esc
Guadalajara 7. 24,999 inhabitants per 174,999
esc esc
Toledo 14. 38,669 hab / esc
541,379 - 135 seats Catalonia 46,986 hab / esc
Barcelona 85 esc. 56,540 hab / esc
Girona 17 esc. 33,253 inhabitants per 565,304
esc esc 15
Lleida. 24,147 inhabitants per 362,206
esc esc 18
Tarragona. 33.870 hab / esc
609,673 - Valencia 89 seats 46,772 hab / esc
Alicante / Alacant 48,730 inhabitants 30 esc / esc
Castellón / Castelló 22 \u200b\u200besc 22,025 inhabitants / esc
Valencia / València 59,899 inhabitants 37 esc / esc
2,216,285 - 65 seats Extremadura 16,284 hab / esc
Badajoz 35 esc. 18,710 inhabitants per 654,882
esc esc
Caceres 30. 13,454 hab / esc
403,621 - 75 seats Galicia 35,945 hab / esc
Coruña (A) 24 ESC. 45,667 sq / ESC
Lugo 15 ESC. 23,843 sq / ESC
SC ESC 14. 24,174 sq / ESC
Paul 22.esc. 41,079 sq / ESC
- Madrid 131 seats 41,399 sq / ESC
- Murcia 45 seats 26,614 sq / ESC
- Navarra 50 seats 11,116 sq / ESC 555,829
- País Vasco 75 seats 27,767 sq / ESC
2,082,587 Álava
25 esc. 11,455 inhabitants per 286,387
esc esc 25
Guipúzcoa. 26,942 inhabitants per 673,563
esc esc
Vizcaya 25. 44,905 hab / esc
1,122,637 - La Rioja 35 seats 7,905 inhabitants / esc
276,702 - Ceuta 25 seats 2,860 inhabitants / esc
71,505 - Melilla 25 seats 2,656 inhabitants / esc
How can a seat in Seville cost 10 times more than one in Teruel? Do the citizens Seville pay taxes 10 times lower than those of Teruel?
But now let's see, really, in that it affects the poor distribution of the ridings in the outcome of general elections. We are going to avail ourselves of the results of the elections of 2000 :
Final result with the current Electoral Act where 1 vote is not equal to 1 person:
Party Votes Percent
PP Seats 10,321,178 44.52% 183
PSOE-progr. 7,918,752 34.16% 125
CIU 970,421 4.19% 15
UI 1,263,043 5.45% 8 EAJ-PNV
353,953 1.53% 7
CC 248,261 1.07% 4
BNG 306,268 1.32% 3
PA 206,255 0.89% 1
ERC 194,715 0.84% \u200b\u200b 1
IC-V 119,290 0.51% 1
EA 100,742 0.43% 1
TA 75,356 0.33% 1
Gil 72,162 0.31% 0
GREEN 70,906 0.31% 0
-Block Green 58,551 0.25% 0
UV 57,830 0.25% 0
UPL 41,690 0.18% 0
Final result whether the Act respond to the democratic principle of one vote equal to 1 person:
PP 158 seats (25 fewer than it won: 183)
PSOE 125 (4 under)
IU 19 (11 seats more than they actually did)
CiU 15 (will stay the same, with the same seats they won)
PNV 5 (2 under)
BNG 5 (2 more)
CC 4 (will stay the same)
(Other minority parties, such as UV or the Greens, have managed to gain representation in parliament with one seat)
To see it is no coincidence, we'll see what happens if we use data from 2004 :
final results to the Electoral Law force where 1 vote is not equal to 1 person:
Party Voters Percent Seats
PSOE 11,026,163 42.59% 164
PP 9,763,144 37.71% 148
CIU 835,471 3.23% 10
ERC 652,196 2.52% 8
EAJ-PNV 420,980 1.63% 7
UI 1,284,081 4.96% 5
CC 235,221 0.91% 3
BNG 208,688 0.81% 2
TA 94,252 0.36%
1 EA 80,905 0.31%
1 NA-BAI 61,045 0.24% 1
PA 181,868 0.7% 0
BLOC-EV 40,759 0.16% 0
PSM-EN, EU, E 40,289 0.16% 0
final result if Act respond to the democratic principle of one vote equal to 1 person:
---> 147 esc. (17 less)
-----> PP 129 esc. (19 less)
CIU ----> 11 esc. (1 more)
ERC ----> 9 esc. (1 more)
PNV ----> 6 esc. (1 less)
IU -----> 17 esc. (12 more)
CC -----> 3 esc. (Same)
As we see, in the years 2000/2004 PP and PSOE get an average of 33 more seats than they really belong to them, while IU has 12 seats less than they really belong to them if they fulfill the maximum of one vote equal to a person, sir ealmente this Democracy to be representative of all citizens as equals. This translated into real world means that a vote for IU in Teruel Jaén León or worth less than justice at Guantanamo. Means that the two major political parties were able to leave all tied up and well tied during the "Transitional" means that the nationalist parties have an unreal power because, although the number of seats actually it does not vary significantly with the theft of votes to IU greatly favors them above all in those days after elections in which some have that agree with each other so that they can govern thanks to the favors of others.
And that is why - among other things, you do not believe that my vote would be for centuries an I and U - which we have no fight to appeal to active abstention, the fight out of the polls - because this way is found not leave us - to show people that we have reason to think that the English government is teetering on a basis of just little, little fair, and very undemocratic. And such is the wobble of this state of law "? I have the firm conviction that only need to blow a little harder for it to fall, and truly, we create a society based on rules that draws on positive rather than negative values \u200b\u200bfor our @ s hij @ s, a society where youth have room for the view - anyone younger than 45 years in the English State, 75% of people voted on this Constitution - Constitution we have inherited from a fascist regime. We can and must change the system before it cmabie us to us, and ... What better way to give them a good slap in the face of reason in the election?